How we received our names, and how we gulped our Liquor


Jag heter Syss


Jag heter Kate


Jag heter Tove. (laughter) Jönsson


Jag heter Ruth. Meine name ist Ruth. My name is Ruth.


Har ni smeknamn också?


Der Ruth! (laughter)


För att hon kan prata tyska?




Der Ruth.


Der Ruth. Ja.


För att ni brukar gå till hennes bar?


På Nick. Hennes bar heter Nick. Är det inte riktigt Ruth? Din bar heter Nick?


Nej den heter, Cafe Nick.


Skål med artisterna!


Vad är det för något?


Det är Weinbrand med 3 dropper Cola.


Weinbrand med 3 dropper Cola.


3 dropper Cola




Tysk konjak med Cola.










Skål!, Skål!, Skål!


Jag heter Annika


Jag heter Ewa.


My real name? Farmer. Fadaikme…is Frank. But Farmer is some name that I am proud of. That’s from rich people, you know.

Transcription of conversation, Rote Rose, Berlin, 14 Jan 2017

Collapsella:| My name is Collapsella
This is my sorella
Her name is Pipetella
She is also my sorella
Her name is Salmonella
My name is Colapsella|

I’m from San Marino
Now I live in Berlino
I modeled all the time
Now I get high at Berghain
I do lines
I don’t do their line
I skip the queue
Because that’s for people like you

I stomp my way into the dark
I’m on all fours
Now make me bark

My name is Collapsella
Speed is every where
But K is my best friend
It loosens up my hole
And this is how I roll

My name is Collapsella
My name is Collapsella
My name is Collapsella
My name is Collapsella

Song »My name is Collapsella«, Lyrics by Fábio M Silva, performed by Collapsella at, The Real Housewives of Neukölln, Trash Drag show, S02e01 HONEY, I’M HOMO !!! at The Club, Berlin, 6 Jan 2017.

My name is pandora Fox, as in pan sexual. Because the theme of the night is Honey I’m homo. And since I am obviously a gay man trapped in a woman’s body but I can’t come out here saying im a homosexual man, but I can describe my own sexuality that I was thinking about now considering this theme. And I was thinking about my own coming out, and how I would described my own sexuality and I think I found a could kind of stance to answer “What’s your sexuality?”. And the answer is basically: fuck you! Not necessary because I am an extremely rude person. But if you are guy or a girl or somewhere in between or nothing at all, if I like you and you like me, I am going to:
Fuck You Fuck YOU.

Extract from Monologue by Ida Entity, The Real Housewives of Neukölln, Trash Drag show,
S02e01 HONEY, I’M HOMO !!! at The CLUB, Berlin 6 Jan 2017.


Me I am Max. Modou, but Max they call me, you know. They call me Modou in Afrikansich. My name is Modou in Afrikanisch and Europa it is Max. (laughter) A: Which do you prefer?


Both! Ja, both! (laughter)


Hey Max!


I know, what is you name?




Oh, Elisabeth. You see, our queen!




Elisabeth, is our queen, you know. Yeah (laughter)


Almost like Elisabeth.


Yeah, king of...Queen of England. Elisabeth! Yeahhh, she is our queen! And Sweden also have a queen no? you see lot of queens.

Transcription of conversation, Rote Rose, Berlin, 18 Jan 2-17.


Wie heiss du?












What is your




And you are from Croatia also?


No, from the Canary Islands.


And you used to be together and now you are friends?




We never was together.


We are gay, but we are not so gay that we...(laughter)


No but,


...that we all like sleep all...


I know, with each other..?


Josip used to call me every night with every impossible story ever. I remember, because at the time I was not feeling really well and he was not feeling really well and he was all the time calling. My phone was always ringing at 12 or at 1 at night, and then it was of course Josip. And then ok..Hey Josip, Hey Daniel how are you? and it was very nice actually and he was always calling me for the most weird things ever. One time he called me to tell me something like, it was funny, it was not that late, it was around 11, and he called me and he tells me: I think I shit my pants! (laughter) You think you shit your pants, or you shit your pants? No, I didn’t check it! But I think I shit my pants. (laughter) Are you calling me for to check it? Totally weird story. And he was always calling me for these kind of stupid things all the time.


He is like your gay-male girlfriend?


Gay-male girlfriend?


Like your girlfriend you know?


Exactly. And then he moved here, and I moved here one month later and since then we are together.




No, no, no, not together




Friends, yeah.


And you have a german boyfriend?


I have a german husband.


He was, he is married.


He was my best man at the wedding.




You are married with a german man?


Yes, but I am separated already.


Or, no, officially not.


Officially not, I am living alone but not officially.


But I am the witness.


You were the witness at the wedding yes.


What is this?


It is Jägermeister.


It is for the microphone.


But why is it so big?


It records very much.

Transcription of conversation, Rote Rose, Berlin, 29 Oct 2016.

Cher Noble
Anne Fetamine Freida Slaves
Adam Apple
Anna Bortion
BJ Hardick
Aidan Justus
Juana Bang
Ryan Coke
Sybil Disobedience Andy Roginous Lauren Order
Annie Depressant
Amber Alert
Adam Goodlay
Carlotta Stolengoods Chance Encounters
Lois Common Denominator Tyler Uptight
Rusty Nutz
Eileen Dover
Eddie Adonis
Anita Bump
Catherine the Above Average Seymour Booty
Dirk Diggler
Boeff Stroganoff
Alex Machine
Polly Esther
Peter Pansy
Trick Sturr
Drunkard Channing
Herbie Hind
Sarabelle Palsy
Hedda Lettuce Ming Vase
Vic Ticious
Avery Austin``

Rory Norgasm
Estee Lauder Harder Faster Roman Holiday
Johnny Class
Seamus Again
Visa Gold
Lady White Swallow
Summer Clearance
Helena Handbag
Zsa Zsa Lahore
Lucy Furr
Rhonda Civic
Elizabeth Trailer
Aiden N. Abetting
Ginny Tonic
John d’Arc
Evan Shorter
Tony Bonez
Duncan Deeply
Clara Fication
Rhoda Dendron
Howie Fellinlove
Bo Tipton
Hunter Downs
Topper Wisely
Dyvin DeMuff
Ewan Love
Another Gay Kyle
Chance Hardwood
Eva Destruction
Stone Hardson
Demi Crat
Antonio Punnani
Eddi Licious
Bob Forapples
Sybil Rights

Penny Tentiary
Torian Debonair
Sarah Palegic
Charlie Chapless
Persnickity Splitt
Malestia Child
Dee Bawcherous
Mo B. Dick
Tommy Two Finga
Sham Payne
Queef Latina
Woody Stroker
Manly Pointer
Eggz Benedict
Elton Schlong
Clint Taurus
Lance Libido
Neil Down
Eva Lution
Paul Deboinair
Kitty Porn
Ginger Snapp
Sue Veneer
Ethylene Glycol
Leo Licksgood
Sharon DaWealth
Kitty David
Dee Friended
Mick Swagger
Polly Unsaturated
Terry Cloth
Ruta Wakening
Val Kyrie
Rhea Publican
Olympia Bukkakis
Milzbrand Babsi

List of Drag-Kings and Queen names. Compiled by Annika Larsson

“You are under arrest for dressing as the opposite sex.”

With these words, two so-called vice squad officers arrested Anthony “Tony” Mayes (who later became Anne Mayes. Mayes was arrested in 1972 under the cross-dressing ordinance, Section 28-42.4 of the city’s Code of Ordinances, which prohibited “a person from appearing in public dressed with the intent to disguise his or her sex as that of the opposite sex.” On August 12, 1980 The ordinance was repealed

Hey you it is 1973!
I say 1973
Welcome to 1973
What happen in 1973, you crowd?
Loads of shit
In 1973 Yoko Ono gets US residency
Fuck off Yoko!
John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s is to build their own utopia. They call it: Utopia
They have their boundaries. They have their borders
and the…
1973 become an oil-crises!
They price of oil has doubled!
But don’t panic! Don’t panic!
It is 1973 and the first cellular phone is made in New York!
It is 1973 and …the US goes to of Vietnam
The Vietnam war!
The Monster Mash is gone gold!
In the Uk princess Margret, her horse and her hers finally got married!
Someone has to marry the horse. Yes, she gets married.
And all you people who hasn’t yet heard, in 1973 homosexuality is no longer considered a disease!
So you can’t call in sick to work.
Welcome to 1973!

Transcription from The Real Housewives of Neukölln, Trash Drag show, SE01 EP16: 1973, The Club, Berlin, 9 Dec 2016.``




Vad gjorde du 1973?


Jag gjorde många ting. Men jag hela mitt liv varit politiskt aktiv. Jag var med i kvinnorörelsen i Köpenhamn men också i ett litet alternativt förlag som heter Demos, det grekiska ordet för folk. Ett anti-fascistiskt förlag. Och så har jag jobbat själv som psykolog i många år, men jag har varit politisk aktivist. Det är det som jag identifierar mig mest med.


I 1973 då var jag 26 år gammal. Jag arbetade på socialkontor. Jag bodde i en liten 1 rumslägenhet med toa på gården. det tror man idag är lögn. men mellan 1971-1979 bodde jag i den där lilla lägenheten på 3 kvm med korridor. …där var det 10 grader. Det var kallt väder, det var ingen elektrisitet och var nog den lyckligast tiden jag har haft i mitt liv. Jag var glad. Jag var tillfreds, jag hade en billig lägenhet, den började på 28 kr..i månaden, och jag har aldrig haft det bättre. Jag har det gott nu, men jag tror ikk jag har haft det bättre än den gången.


Jag vill säga nåt om 1973 igen!


Ja, för 1973 finn jag ut att jag var till kvinnor. Och det var otroligt svårt i Denmark, för jag vill ju gärna vara normal, så jag hade besvärligt med det och det gick många år tills jag vägade säga att det var faktiskt kvinnor jag blev förälskad i. Idag är det mycket nimmare. Men på den tidspunkten 1973 så var det otroligt svårt.


Men, var du förälskad i någon då?


Det var jag. Men jag tordes inte själv att säga det. Jag kan säga det nu att jag var förälskad i henne. Men det kunde man ikke. Så jag tillsammans med henne, och jag va tillsaammans men jag tordes inte säga det högt för. Det kom det där myterna om de där lesbiska som var fruktansvärda och som var män, och som i grund närmast våldtog kvinnor. Så det förträngde jag.

Transcription of conversation. Rote Rose, Berlin 14 Jan

How we were dressed

Look at my style could it be more glam
Look at my look, could you say hot damn
Look what I am, who I am
Me I´m fabulous baby

Look at my boobs don´t that blow your mind?
Glamour, talent and sex combined
Hell, you could tell even if you are blind
See, I’m fabulous baby.
I’m meant to be where the spot lights shine
Born to be on display
Built to be dressed to the 99ns
And ready to stand and say
Hey, look at me can’t you see
I’m fabulous baby
Look right here, ain’t it clear
where I’m heading to
So look at the time honey I can’t say
Look while you can because I am on my way
I am fabulous baby
I got fabulous things to do

Where I’m headed?
I’m going wherever it happens
Bottoms, cocktails, Bergaihn oh Berghain
Hello Berghain, I am Viagra Falls
Look at my boobs, my clothes, my hair

Look what’s up here, and then look back there
Look all you want, I got lots to spare
Just stand back and clear the track because
Look at me can’t you see
I’m fabulous baby
Check my out, there ain’t no doubt where I am about
So joke all you want, go ahead and laugh
One day you’ll beg for my autograph
I am fabulous baby

Can’t you see me there up on the stage
How the cameras adore me
Can’t you see me walking on red carpets or doing TV
Can’t you see all my millions of fans
screaming desperately for me
I’m a diva, a godess, a star on a break
A hot rocking vision in hot fucking pink
I’m probably riot the whole kitchen sink
I’m top of the world, don’t you know. don’t you think

Look at me, can’t you see
yeah, I’m fabulous baby
… up..I am…
I’m fucking great, I don’t need lyrics

So look all you can, I won’t be denied.
What I have got is to hot to hide
I’m fabulous baby
So damn fabulous baby
I’ll do fabulous ….
I am fabulous baby
Fresh, free fabulous baby
Fine and fabulous, Wait and see

Song: »I’m fabulous«, Lyrics by Alex Lee, Performed by Viagra Falls, The Real Housewives of Neukölln, Trash Drag show, S02e01 HONEY, I’M HOMO !!!, at The Club, Berlin, 6 Jan 2017.

Went out last night, had a great big fight
Everything seemed to go on wrong
I looked up, to my surprise
The gal I was with was gone.

Where she went, I don’t know
I mean to follow everywhere she goes;
Folks say I’m crooked. I didn’t know where she took it
I want the whole world to know.

They say I do it, ain’t nobody caught me
Sure got to prove it on me;
Went out last night with a crowd of my friends,
They must’ve been women, ‘cause I don’t like no men.

It’s true I wear a collar and a tie,
Makes the wind blow all the while
Don’t you say I do it, ain’t nobody caught me
You sure got to prove it on me.

Say I do it, ain’t nobody caught me
Sure got to prove it on me.

I went out last night with a crowd of my friends,
It must’ve been women, ‘cause I don’t like no men.
Wear my clothes just like a fan
Talk to the gals just like any old man

Cause they say I do it, ain’t nobody caught me
Sure got to prove it on me.

Ma Rainey's »Prove It On Me Blues« (1928).

For our hat-medallion, we had a fine piece of enamelled work set in a gold plate weighing a hundred and thirty-six ounces, on which was displayed a human body with two heads turned towards one another, four feet and two rumps—the form, according to Plato in his Symposium, of Man’s nature in its mystical beginnings; and around it was written in Ionian script: ΑΓΑΠΗ ΟΥ ΖΗΤΕΙ ΤΑ ΕΑΥΤΗΣ.

Text modified by Annika Larsson / original text: Rabelais, François (ca 1494-1553): The histories of Gargantua and Pantagruel / y François Rabelais ; translated by J. M. Cohen (1955), pg. 56-57. ΑΓΑΠΗ ΟΥ ΖΗΤΕΙ ΤΑ ΕΑΥΤΗΣ. (Charity seeketh not her own [profit])

Hannelore jeht uff'n Reimann-Ball
Im hochjeschlossnen Kleid
Nachher sitzt sie im Ludenstall
Zu früher Morjenzeit
Sie tropft in die Augen Atropin
Und schnupft 'ne Handvoll Kokain
Besonders so im Mai
Sie macht in Weltverjesssenheit
Und ab und zu in Sinnlichkeit –
Ooch det jeht schnell vorbei

Hannelore, Hannelore
Schönstes Kind vom Hall'schen Tore
Süßes, reizendes Geschöpfchen
Mit dem schönsten Bubiköpfchen
Keiner unterscheiden kann
Ob du Weib bist oder Mann!
Hannelore, Hannelore
Schönstes Kind vom Hall'schen Tor

Extract from Song »Hannelore« (1926),lyrics by Willy Hagen / Music by: Horst Platen, recorded by Claire Waldoff (1929).

How we realized our marvolus intelligence, by our invention of an Arse-wipe





Thy bung

Hath flung

Some dung
On us:




St. Antony’s fire seize on thy toane (bone?),

If thy



Thou do not wipe, ere thou be gone.

Text Extract from Rabelais, François,( ca 1494-1553): The histories of Gargantua and Pantagruel / y François Rabelais ; translated into English by Sir Thomas Urquhart (1653), pg. 49.

Our Games


I have a friend who always talks about playing. And this game, and this game and this game, but never taking, so far not taking anything that personally, I’d say. But I don’t feel that way. I think it is…, yeah, it makes me anxious. But then again, I have you here. And I don’t you what you think but all.


And what type of games does he play?


He plays all kinds of games, like he. For example he has tried to study three different things: Psychology, literature, and now law, and always it is just a game. And now he is thinking of maybe applying to be a physician, like medicine, to study…and it is like..Of social situations as well. I talked with him about this, it is like. For example when you meet new people. How you present yourself to them for example. He perceives that as a game as well. A specific kind of a game. It has to do with power and hierarchy I think.


How do you mean?


So you have to play that situation and that game well in order to get on top of it.


Like a performance?


Yes, exactly. Exactly. But in that way, especially with social situations an people it is like…hmm like unethical, like have that kind of relationship and that kind of orientation to other people. Like not trying to understand them, but trying to understand them in order to play them: in your game. And I think, this is the first time I make this kind of connection, but isn’t it the same with the ironic dressing style thing in a way? So you are trying to play some game in relation to other people, to show your environment that you are actually know what they are doing, and that you are above that. Or outside of that.


Yeah, yeah, absolutely.


Yeah. Ok, so now I even more strongly stand my ground. And is it is not cool. And it is not a good way to see other people.


What about your bag?




Could you show it?


I have an explanation for the bag. My previous bag-pack broke down, and I borrowed this from my mum. I knew that she had other bag-packs that are not cool in any way. So this could be taken for an ironic bag which is why I choose it. But there were these just like sporty bags or whatever, you could go to a forest and hike with them, but good backpacks. But I didn’t want to take them, because I didn’t want to take them, because I didn’t want to look like a person who is so practical? Because I still like, or also there is like a what people perceive as beautiful or nice, or something that they want to, want other people to connect with them, I guess. And I prefer this to “the forest- practical-I don’t-know-what-bag”. But still, me having this is ironic, because I wouldn’t buy this kind of a bag myself. I wouldn’t buy it. I don’t like it that much. But you could buy this kind of a bag, couldn’t you?


Yeah, well, maybe it not quite tacky for that.




I don’t know.


Exactly the tackiness…Like you have to think what is tacky enough to be worn.


Yeah, you have to be on the border all the time.


But, it’s bullshit!


Yeah, it is bullshit..


I think it was a good point that you were mentioning that the irony is putting yourself above the people around you, in a kind of way.


But for example tonight in this bar, I don’t feel that we are here ironically at all. I don’t know what you guys think, but I didn’t come here ironically, in a way. Like, were would we go and be not ironic? Like the falafel place we went to?


Well that wouldn’t be ironic, because it is a truly nice place.



Transcription of conversation, Rote Rose, Berlin, 15 Jun 2017

I'm a model and I'm looking good
You wanna take me home and penetrate me
I play hard to get but wait one hour or two
I'll be on my knees and I will service you

Instrumental break

I'm going out tonight I love to drink champagne
But in this fucking bar all I can get is cocaine

I'm getting super wasted
And what you can hear them say
"She doesn't look good,
But I'll do her anyway"

Another instrumental break
Longer than the previous one

I'm still getting wasted
Still with no champagne
Just cocaine

I'm a model and I'm looking good
You wanna take me home and penetrate me
I play hard to get but wait one hour or two
I'll be on my knees and I will service you
Service you

Song »I’m a model«, Lyrics by Fábio M Silva, performed by Collapsella, The Real Housewives of Neukölln, Trash Drag show, SE01 EP16:1973, The Club, Berlin, 9 Dec 2016.

virtuosity exercise:

try to get red
try to get blue
try to get high
try to get low
try to draw
try to flaw
try to draw fast
try to flaw fast
try to draw fast and low
try to get there
try to sing a spiral
try to sing a line
try to sing in line
try to sing online
try to stop time 
try to stop in time

Virtuosity Exercise by Augustin Maurs (2017).