Emergency Entrance or Slow Orientation in Zapatism, A 4 days performative seminar with Chto Delat.

18-19 MAY
Location: R 02 ICAT (Master-building Lerchenfeld 2a)
18 May 11.00-18.00 Workshop day 1
19 May 11.00-18.00 Workshop day 2

BETWEEN PERIOD, Preparation of props for the 2nd block in June

23-24 JUNE
Location: R 02 ICAT (Master-building Lerchenfeld 2a)
23 JUNE 12.00 - evening (open end) Workshop day 3
24 JUNE 12.00 - evening (open end) Workshop day4 & MAD TEA PARTY

23-24 June 2023 Mad Tea Party

Here you can share what Character & Costume you would like to develop and be:

Equipment needed
2 similar cameras
2 tripods
basic additional light
2 bug-mic
1 short gun mic

Sources for developing your Character
the texts of Subcommandante Markos

Alice In Wonderland (Mad Tea Party Chapter)

18-19 June 2023

Emergency Entrance
or Slow Orientation in Zapatism

A 4 days performative seminar with Chto Delat.

Mentors: Tsaplya Olga Egorova, Dmitry Vilensky and Vera Shelkina

The "Chto Delat" collective has been working since 2016 with the ideas of the Zapatista movement and their impact on different communities outside of Mexico. Between 2016 and 2021, "Chto Delat" has made several educational films, exhibitions, and publications based on their experiences traveling to Chiapas, interacting with Zapatista communities, and the intense process of studying various Zapatista texts and art*.
For our 4-day workshop at HFBK, we propose to take our research as point of departure and see how it resonates with the community of young artists and how we can find ways to survive and resist together – the strategies of survivance, in a rapidly changing world full of new dangers.
We will read and analyze texts by Zapatistas and Subcommandante Marcos, engage in bodily practices involving paradoxical movements, invent various non-human fairy tale characters, and use them in a staged Mad Tea Party to try to (non)solve the pressing problems of our crazy life full of absurdity.

Materials for the preparation of your participation:

the book When the Roots Start to move (Archive Verlag 2020) which includes many references to the project of Chto Delat

the texts of Subcommandante Markos

18 April, 18:00 Chto Delat Artist Talk (Aula HBFK)

Art making at the time of emergencies
The short history of Chto Delat collective.

Presented by Tsaplya Olga Egorova and Dmitry Vilensky

Wedn 19 APRIL 18:00 - 20:00

HFBK Aula, Lerchenfeld 2, 22081 Hamburg

In our talk we reflect the long history of Chto Delat collective and connect it with many events which have influenced our practice.
We discuss how to create a real state of emergency in art and how to criticize while still caring, and to care critically.

The collective Chto Delat (What is to be done?) was founded in early 2003 in Petersburg by a workgroup of artists, critics, philosophers, and writers with the goal of merging political theory, art, and activism.
The artistic activity is realizing across a range of media—from video and theater plays, to radio programs and murals—it includes art projects, seminars and public campaigns. The works of the collective are characterized by the use of alienation effect, surreal scenery and always case based analyses of a concrete social and political struggles.
In 2013, Chto Delat initiated an educational platform—School of Engaged Art in Petersburg and also runs a social center called Rosa’s House of Culture. From its inception, the collective has been publishing an English-Russian newspaper focused on the politicisation of Russian cultural production, in dialogue with the international context.
Both the School of Engaged Art and Rosa House of Culture have stopped its activity in May 2022 and after police pressure most of the participants of the program had to leave Russia.
Since September 2022 Chto Delat has initiated The School of Emergencies. It is a transdisciplinary roaming educational initiative for artists, writers, researchers and activists. The urgency of the school was created by the wars in Ukraine and waves of political refugees after growing fascisization of Russian politics and escalation of the war crimes. The school fellows together with mentors and invited teachers are dealing with these issues in the broader context of climate crisis, fossil fascism, austerity measures, crisis of meanings, growing nationalistic tendencies, haunting spirits from the past, dehumanization and urgent demands for decolonization and demilitarization.
See more at www.chtodelat.org